
Pre-Sale (10%): A small percentage of the tokens is allocated for investors who support the project at an early stage. They will have the opportunity to buy exclusive NFTs that will allow them to access a special price of $TECKEL before its launch and enable them to be part of one of the TECKEL DAOs. The money raised in this stage will provide the necessary funds to inject liquidity into the market and diligently develop the project

Liquidity Pool (40%): This allocation aims to provide liquidity in decentralized exchanges. A significant part of the token supply is reserved for the liquidity pool in order to improve trading opportunities, reduce price volatility and ensure sufficient liquidity for investors and users.

DAO Treasury (25%): We value the community greatly, as reflected in this allocation specially reserved until the DAOs planned in the roadmap are formed. The Teckel team will develop general operational rules and the Constitution of the DAOs, after which the community will vote on the initiatives presented and decide the future of the project. These tokens will be sent to a specifically created address and will not be available until the DAOs are operational.

Marketing (12%): This allocation aims to finance marketing strategies that will help give visibility and impact to the project.

Token Burn (5%): It was determined to burn 5% of the tokens with the aim of decreasing the total supply, thus favoring the token holders.

Team (5%): The team reserves a smaller percentage of tokens in recognition of the work done. This allocation will be locked for 6 months from the launch date and will be located in a wallet created for this purpose.

Airdrop (2%): All those who meet the requirements of the proposals that will be put forward through account X and our official Telegram channel will qualify for the airdrop.

Cardano holders (1%): Those holders of the $TECKEL token in Cardano who have met the announced requirements, will receive an airdrop of the tokens in Kadena.